Fleet Operations Complaints Policy

Summary / Purpose
This policy details the arrangements in place to manage how any problems, complaints and other issues raised are dealt with and managed.
All company activities at all locations.
This policy applies to all personnel involved with any activities covered by the above scope.
Unless otherwise stated the processes, procedures and instructions outlined in this policy must be followed and failure to follow this policy could lead to disciplinary action.
Sections marked 'Guidance' are included as guidance and strict adherence is not required.
a.Statement of Intent
It is the policy of the company to achieve continual improvement in terms of our management systems and overall operations and a key component of our strategy for continual improvement is learning from any issues that are encountered to allow suitable measures to be put in place to prevent such issues happening again in the future. It is the policy of the company to avoid problems happing by learning from previous issues as well as by identifying potential risks and taking appropriate action to mitigate any significant risks.
All significant issues are logged and where appropriate a full review completed to identify the root cause of the problem and to establish what could and should be done to improve and prevent recurrence.
b.Problems and Complaints Procedure
Training on Dealing with Problems and incidents
Workers are given training to ensure they are aware of how to deal with problems, incidents & complaints, how to raise improvement suggestions, report information security weaknesses and how to identify and control nonconforming outputs.
Rectify and if helpful add details to issue register
Significant problem or complaint?
Problem / Complaint / Information Security Incident / Nonconforming Output Identified
Deal with problem / complaint / incident/ nonconforming output, investigate and if useful document key points using Significant Problem Incident Complaint Form and / or record on Issues Actions Register.
If the event or incident is serious, Senior management must be immediately informed and all work on systems affected by the issue will be suspended or controlled to ensure no further issues.
If no further action is required the issue is closed and this should be documented.
Action Required?
Containment and Corrective Action
Containment action should be taken as required to ensure. Plan and implement corrective action to further deal with and prevent re-occurrence of problem.
If nonconforming output identified, either segregate / return, inform customer, rectify problem or receive approval of output as it is.
Any communications with external authorities or other interested parties necessary as a result of the issue should be managed by designated responsible person.
Review Corrective Action - Verification
Review and confirm that the corrective action taken has been effective.
Re-investigate and take alternative / additional corrective action and then check again if action has been effective.
Action Effective?
Review of Controls / Opportunities for Improvement
Decide whether training / further controls are required or if changes are necessary.
Review significant problems at Management Review
It is important that all workers fully understand the process for dealing with problems and complaints and some staff may require additional training to ensure they are competent to take appropriate action and deal with issues.
All issues and problems should be reviewed and their significance determined. Trivial issues may require no additional action or logging and can be dismissed without any further action – it is not the intention of this procedure to require that every trivial issue or minor problem is logged as this could lead to administrative paralysis which could negatively impact on operational capabilities.
Significant issues such as the following:
Late delivery from supplier which has impacted on operational capabilities; Complaint or Non-conformance report from a key customer; Incident where injury sustained or property damaged; Vehicle Safety critical defect identified;Prohibitions or issues affecting licence(s);Any other significant issues...Physical Causes (problem with materials, equipment, climatic conditions etc...); Human Causes (mistakes, lack of skills, fatigue, poor decision making etc…); Organisational Causes (procedural failures, incorrect procedure, lack of procedure etc…) c.Customer Care
Staff training - all workers whose duties require them to deal directly with customers should be given training in customer care to ensure they understand the standards and approach that representatives of the organisation should follow when interacting with our customers.
Our customers are critical to the business, without customers we would have no business, and it is therefore important that we understand the needs and expectations of our customers and treat our customers in an honest, fair and respectful manner.
When interacting with customers all representatives of the company must:
Be professional, courteous and polite at all times; Look professional and presentable and wear any uniform provided; Be honest and fair and treat customers with integrity and respect; Provide correct and accurate information; Respect the customers privacy and ensure any personal or confidential information collected is adequately protected; Listen to and respond to feedback from customers; Report any feedback, positive or negative, to line manager; Ensure good communications and response times at all times; Keep the customer informed of any issues or delays; Always use company provided communication facilities and follow communications policy / communications guidance; Always try to provide the best possible service and to keep our customers happy.
The key principles of honesty and integrity when dealing with customers is crucial for forming good relationships with our customers. When dealing with our customers it is important that we at all times act in a fair and helpful manner.
Customer feedback - the company has various mechanisms in place to formally collect feedback from customers as well as informal collection of feedback during routine interaction with our customers. It is important that any feedback received is documented and collated so that review and analysis of feedback can be completed. Formal review of customer feedback is completed during management review and it is important that feedback is collected and compiled to facilitate adequate review.