Policy brief & purpose
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to our responsibility toward our environment. Our company’s existence is not lonely. It’s part of a bigger system of people, values, other organizations and nature. The social responsibility of a business is to give back to the world just as it gives to us.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy outlines our efforts to give back to the world as it gives to us.
This policy applies to our company and its subsidiaries. It may also refer to suppliers and partners.
Policy elements
We want to be a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Stripout London's social responsibility falls under two categories: compliance and proactiveness. Compliance refers to our company’s commitment to legality and willingness to observe community values. Proactiveness is every initiative to promote human rights, help communities and protect our natural environment.
Stripout London will:
Respect the law
Honor its internal policies
Ensure that all its business operations are legitimate
Keep every partnership and collaboration open and transparent
Business ethics
We’ll always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights. We’ll promote:
Safety and fair dealing
Respect toward the consumer
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices
Protecting the environment
Stripout London recognise the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing garbage and using chemical substances. Stewardship will also play an important role.
Protecting people
We’ll ensure that we:
Don’t risk the health and safety of our employees and community.
Avoid harming the lives of local and indigenous people.
Support diversity and inclusion.
Human rights
Stripout London is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labor practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (e.g. forced labor).
Donations and aid
Our company may preserve a budget to make monetary donations. These donations will aim to:
Advance the arts, education and community events.
Alleviate those in need.
Our company will encourage its employees to volunteer. They can volunteer through programs organized internally or externally. Our company may sponsor volunteering events from other organizations.
Preserving the environment
Apart from legal obligations, our company will proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:
Conserving energy
Organizing reforestation excursions
Using environmentally-friendly technologies
Supporting the community
Our company may initiate and support community investment and educational programs. For example, it may begin partnerships with vendors for constructing public buildings. It can provide support to nonprofit organizations or movements to promote cultural and economic development of global and local communities.
We will actively invest in R&D. We will be open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas. Our company will try to continuously improve the way it operates.
Our company is committed to the United Nations Global Compact. We’ll readily act to promote our identity as a socially aware and responsible business. Management must communicate this policy on all levels. Managers are also responsible for resolving any CSR issues.
Considerate Constructor Scheme
As members of the considerate constructor scheme Stripout London are keen to give the best impression of the construction industry to members of the general public by operating in the most considerate ways possible and engaging with the local community.
Health & Safety
We are working towards our FORS bronze award to ensure the safety of all road users and achieve exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.
Stripout London's construction environmental management plans are another aspect of our commitment to sustainable development and effective logistical planning to enhance environmental protection.
We are proud that 100% of waste from Stripout London projects is recycled. We always seek to up cycle, recycle or donate where possible. Where re use is not an option, we segregate our waste streams and they are taken to the appropriate recycling facility.
Carbon Positive
We are pleased to be able to operate our business as carbon positive, again showing our commitment to a greener, more sustainable future for everyone.