Drug & Alcohol Abuse Policy

It is our policy to ensure the safety of our workplace by ensuring no work activities are affected by drugs or alcohol and this policy sets out our approach to preventing alcohol and drug abuse. It is important that all workers are aware of their obligations under this policy, and any queries should be addressed to Management.
Alcohol Abuse Policy
Our policy is to forbid the consumption of alcohol on the Company's premises. In certain circumstances, for instance office functions, this policy may be temporarily waived. However, all workers must note that attendance at these functions is still subject to the normal disciplinary rules in relation to acceptable behaviour in the workplace.
If any employee is found to be intoxicated at work or is found consuming alcohol on the Company's premises, other than at a Company permitted function, that employee will face disciplinary action on the grounds of gross misconduct under the Company's disciplinary procedure.
The Company has the right to conduct regular health checks to establish whether there are any alcohol or drug problems amongst workers.
As a condition of any offer of employment all prospective employees may be requested to undergo a medical examination which may seek to determine whether the prospective employee has an alcohol abuse problem or has taken a controlled drug.
If a prospective employee refuses to give consent to such an examination or refuses to undergo the screening the Company has the right to immediately withdraw any offer of employment made.
Drug Abuse Policy
The possession, use or distribution of drugs for non-medical purposes is strictly forbidden on our premises.
Any worker who is taking prescribed or over the counter medication which may affect their ability to perform their duties should inform their line manager.
Where it is suspected that a workers performance or conduct has been impaired through substance abuse, we reserve the right to request a medical examination.
Refusal to undergo a medical examination may be considered as gross misconduct in accordance with the Company's disciplinary procedure.
The Company reserves the right to search any worker or their property held on our premises at any time if the there is reasonable grounds to believe that the prohibition on substances is being or has been infringed. Any search will be carried out by a member of staff of the same sex and will be witnessed by another member of staff. The workers consent to these searches will be sought prior to commencement.
If an employee refuses to comply with these search procedures, such action will normally be treated as amounting to gross misconduct in accordance with the Company's disciplinary procedure.
We reserve the right to inform the police of any suspicions with regards to the use of controlled drugs by any workers on our premises.
Potential employees will be asked to declare if they have any medical conditions, e.g. epilepsy, drug dependency, which could affect their ability to work safely, with regard to their own safety, and that of others. The Company will consider, after taking professional advice, these conditions, and decide what position, if any, within the Company would be suitable.