Behavioural Safety Policy

Stripout London Ltd (SL) endeavours to provide effective Health and Safety leadership on all projects, in order to promote a positive Health and Safety culture, to engage our management and employees in decisions that affect their Health and Safety.
Safe behaviour at work is of paramount importance and, as such, needs to be treated as a critical work related skill. Being proactive and using observation means unsafe acts can be prevented and in turn accidents prevented.
Negative attitude or incorrect behaviour can lead to near misses and injuries. Safe behaviours, listening to advice and following the correct procedures will most likely lead to a safe outcome.
It has been estimated that at least 90% of workplace injuries are caused by unsafe behaviour.
Effective behavioural safety applies to all staff and sub-contractors working for SL as follows:
Senior managers / directors
Middle managers
Front line managers / supervisors / team leaders
Front line workers
The continuing aim of SL is to promote an understanding of safety and to identify how we can positively influence behaviour.
SL operate a number of initiatives to support a reduction in this type of incident.
Visible health and safety leadership is invaluable and, as such, managers are briefed / trained in behavioural safety techniques through attending in house and external training events.
All employees are briefed / trained to recognise both safe and unsafe practices and encouraged to stop unsafe activities and suggest improvements to working methods through attending in house and external training events.
Setting and monitoring Targets and Objectives. This is achieved through regular tool box talks, site inspections, project meetings and normal day-to-day discussions.
We provide feedback focused on constructive criticism and make sure that praise is given for good practice.
All employees are encouraged to challenge any other operative, contractor or site manager and have the opportunity to confidentially report unsafe working conditions / practices via email, text, phone or site report card.
We have developed a series of Safety Workshops for our ‘responsible people on site’, e.g. primarily site managers, supervisors and team leaders. Our aim is to open up a responsible dialogue with key people in our continuing efforts to improve safety on our sites. The safety workshops have been developed by specialists in conjunction with SL employees, for SL employees, and will be delivered by SL employees or specialists as appropriate.
Where an issue has been raised and/or an unsafe act identified then this will be followed up by the site manager or supervisor along with the employee(s) involved. A mature dialogue will aim to identify the reasons or cause of the unsafe action any changes made.
If an employee continues to work unsafely, e.g.:
To be ignoring Safe Systems of Work,
Not wearing the required PPE for the task that they are carrying out,
Or not working in accordance with the Site Rules etc., they may be issued with a yellow card.
Two yellow cards within a 12-month period and they will be immediately suspended pending a disciplinary hearing within (one week) which may lead to a final warning or dismissal.
Should the unsafe act deemed to be gross misconduct then the individual shall be dismissed forthwith.
If you don’t think it is safe, don’t do it.
Relationship with Health & Safety Policy
This policy should also be read in conjunction with other CL relevant policies, particularly the Health & Safety Policy and other policies & procedures contained in the company’s safety manual.
Safety procedures, instructions, equipment, and tools have been provided to keep everybody safe – working correctly will give everybody the best chance of doing a job safely.
This statement will be reviewed annually (or as and when required) by the Directors.
It is briefed and acknowledged by all employees on induction and following any policy changes.